Chinese United Methodist Church

The Chinese United Methodist Church has a long history of service to the San Francisco Chinatown community.

In 1868, Reverend Dr. Otis Gibson and his wife, Eliza, founded the church with the mission to protect the Chinese from the violence of racial prejudice. They tried to not only guide the Chinese people spiritually but also to teach them English. In 1906, the great earthquake destroyed the church building. In 1911, after five years of displacement, the church was rebuilt at the corner of Washington and Stockton Streets.

The church has remained a place of worship for many in the community. In the early days, the church housed a Boy Scout Troop, the Flying Eagle Club, and Hip Wo Chinese School. Many who grew up near San Francisco Chinatown remember the days when the church was their second home after they finished school and on weekends.

Today, the church continues its commitment to serve the Chinese community, whether it be those from the neighborhood or those who travel from the wider Bay Area, with programs in English and Cantonese.